Product labelling solutions for industry

The makeshift labelling solutions, which used to be applied, nowadays are a thing of the past. What matters now is the quality and durability, which can only be guaranteed by top -grade labels made of modern materials with excellent mechanical properties.

Not without significance is also their high resistance to changeable external conditions, extremes of heat and cold, as well as the effects of various more or less aggressive chemicals.

Additionally, companies involved in industrial production are subject to the relevant certification standards, which also specify how each element of the production process should be labelled, so that the quality management system works seamlessly and production waste is negligible.

Industrial and production labels are most commonly used in the following industries:

  • metallurgy,
  • construction,
  • wood (including furniture),
  • plastics,
  • mining,
  • chemicals,
  • metal processing,
  • machinery and equipment manufacturing.